Hi Tenacious,
I need to make a correction here, as it was the writer of Peter who said people were misusing Paul. I Timothy was written when the Jesus-followers were moving from their first blush of emotional enthusiasm to the consideration of church structure and hierarchy. As I said, we are looking at the first part of the second century.
Of the 13 writings attributed to Paul, the general consensus held by the majority of scholars is that 7 were genuinely written by Paul. In chronological order: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians and Romans. Further, some of these epistles are collections of letters; some scholars identify 4 letters in 2 Corinthians, others see 6 letters.
The others attributed to Paul, such as Colossians, Ephesians, and so on were written well after his death.
His genuine writings are our earliest written record. Mark's Gospel was the earliest record about Jesus' life and preaching, and it was written anonymously about 70 CE, some 40 years after Jesus' death. Matthew's Gospel (also anonymous) followed some 15 years later.
All the best with you research. You will find it exciting and challenging.